
Thank you for considering financially supporting the work of St James’ Church.

How Can I Give?

Regular Giving

The most useful way to support St James’ is to set up a regular standing order as this helps us with our financial planning.

You can arrange, change, or cancel a standing order at any time with your own bank.

Our bank details are as follows:

Account Name: PCC Of St James

Sort Code: 405240

Account Number : 00012757

One-off donations

If you wish to make a one-off gift, this can be done by making a donation by cash, cheque or charity voucher (payable to “St James’ Church PCC”) on a Sunday or by posting a cheque/charity voucher (no cash please) to the Treasurer at the address below.

Please consider making your gift tax efficient

If you are a UK taxpayer, it is helpful if you also complete a Gift Aid form as this enables us to reclaim basic rate income tax on any standing order or one-off donations you make.

For more information about giving, the church’s finances, or gift aid forms please email

Online Giving Form

Both regular and one-off donations can also be made using our convenient online giving form on St James ChurchSuite (please note this is a different website):

Clicking the link above will open a new browser tab.

Biblical Principles for Giving

“Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”
– 2 Corinthians 9:7

Why give to Christian work?

The Bible tells us that sacrificial giving for gospel work is a mark of spiritual maturity and, therefore, every Christian should aim to give regularly to their church. This is based on the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, who gave His life for us. As His followers our lives and all we have belong to Him.

How much should we give to Christian work?

The Bible doesn’t impose any law upon us, but simply expects that we will give sacrificially and gratefully. The amount of our regular giving is therefore a matter of conscience.

At St James’, the size of monthly gifts varies, depending on the circumstances of each person. We are grateful to God for every donor, without whom we would be unable to continue our mission.