We are a Bible-teaching, evangelical, Anglican church on the western side of Margate.
We are a growing church that exists by God’s grace.
We seek to introduce people to Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who calls us to repent of our sins and to put our trust in him.
We long to reach our local community with the gospel – the good news – depending on Jesus as our Saviour and Lord.
We want to know Jesus and make him known.
We believe that God the Father is able to save sinners by bringing them from death to eternal life.
We rejoice that whomever turns from sin (repents) and entrusts their life to God’s Son, Jesus, will be saved.
We submit to the Holy Spirit, looking for transformation in every area of our lives.
We believe that God saves sinners like us to form his church and is equipping us to serve him.
We meet to build one another up in our shared faith as we gather to worship Jesus.
We worship him with our lives as we submit to the authoritative teaching of God’s word, the Bible.
We understand that God chooses to use his church to proclaim the good news of hope of eternal life.
We welcome everyone from any denomination or background.
We believe that the 39 Articles of Religion (the Church of England‘s foundational summary of Christian doctrine), along with the historic creeds, are an excellent expression of fundamental Christian truths.
We have passed a resolution to support a complementarian view of ministry.